This paralyzed person has accepted his sickness or disability and accepted the fact that he cannot change the situation after so many years which has become a way of his life.. begging ?. May be he cannot think beyond that, he can live out of this sickness. I believe this man was picked up by Jesus not because he was the only person present there or he was a believer. He also did not know at the time of meeting that he is speaking with GOD.
From the passage one thing is very clear that, though he is paralysed for 38 years,he did not leave the hope of cure. This miracle is a management lesson much beyond the Management Science you study in any Business Schools.
The real issue here is the Question ‘ Do you want to be healed ? Or ‘Do u want to change ?’ or more clearly ‘ Are u willing to accept the transformation ?.’ It is a fact that, in reality everyone resist the change even when some changes are for good for them. But Nobody is interested because the present way of life, present character, present habits are very close to them for many reasons known to them secretly.
Everyone has grown to be capable to derive selfish benefits from habits or character. It has become a way of life! Playing in the pool of mud covered with all dirt is an enjoyable situation to them. We know our face is covered with mud and we even throw dirt to others face. But how many of us are willing to jump out of the pool ?. if u dare to change, there is hope of healing. Jesus disappears after the miracle leaving others in the state who did not bother.
It is a point to think. Is this a question asked by Jesus to me ? ‘ Do you want to Change ? ’ .Yes or No.