Showing posts with label Water in Glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water in Glass. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Glass of water

Two expressions : “How is it Possible ?” and “ It is impossible!”. Do they convey the same meaning ?. If your answer is yes, you are mistaken. Bible says both expressions are poles apart. In one case, the person was punished and in another, the person was blessed. What is the exact difference?. Is it so significant and Why is it so?. Yes, the difference is very big and it unfolds here. Read further at

In normal circumstances, both expressions seem to be very similar. One may not find so much of difference to the extent of getting punished. This is what we think ?. Although, these statements came from two different persons in almost similar circumstances, GOD shows that both these expressions came from two different state of mind. In one case, Gabriel – the Arch Angel appears to Holy Mary after her engagement before marriage. Gabriel assures her and removes her fear first. Then he gave the message of becoming the greatest mother of Lord Jesus Christ through spirit. Though she gets shocked [ Quite natural for a virgin lady], her response was very positive. she asked the Angel ‘ How this is possible? 

She is a descendent of David family and must have been a very pious woman. No woman in the world would accept the fact of becoming pregnant like this, before marriage after engagement. It is quite natural that she went into a mental shock. It was evident from the depth of that question she asked ?. Carrying the disgrace of having a child before marriage is something impossible to accept for any woman. She could have said a firm ‘No’ or she could have told him that it is impossible as it was never heard a conception like this before . But Mary was different. She had total faith in GOD andsurrenders totally to God’s will. She being a normal positive woman humbly asks the doubt ‘How it is possible? ’. This question is considered as a positive question, as the person accepts the offer and only asks how it would be executed.?

Where as announcement by the same Arch Angel to Zacharia in his old age, that a child will be born to them was not well taken. He knew that both of them have passed the age and it cannot be a reality in human comprehension. Being a leading priest and having good knowledge in Bible did not give him a positive frame of mind for GOD’s possibilities. Unlike Mary’s case, there was no possibility of any kind of disgrace at all in his case. But still he did not believe the words of Arch Angel and challenged him. His challenge was in his expression. His expression is a negative expression. He said It is impossible disbelieving the possibilities of GOD. I think, Had he got time he would have gone for a bet with Arch Angel. This negative answer is the colour of his faith. Immediately he got the treatment of disbelief. He was muted. GOD closes his mouth till he changes his frame of mind..

Just Analyse both words ‘ How is it possible ? and It is Impossible. Only very little difference.On one side She is only asking the method of possibility and not denying the possibility. Where as second answer is just ridiculing the angel. It is as good as saying ‘Do not tell me foolish things’. Our words normally reflect our state of mind. If you close your mind about the possibilities with you, your will remain as a mute spectator but otherwise if do not depend on your own capability and possibilities of your knowledge rather depends on God’s wisdom, miracles do happen in your life. Impossibilities you think become possibilities. Let us not be Zachariah who fails right in time with all his qualifications, knowledge and status, rather let us be a Mary model believing in God’s Possibilities.

Many times words spill from our mouth is like spilling of water from a glass, shaken. What comes out is what is inside when a person is shaken. If it is water, water will come out, if it is filth, filth will come out. Let us fill our mind with what you like to spill at times when you are shaken