Showing posts with label Moving Walkway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moving Walkway. Show all posts

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Moving Walkway

Moving Walkway

The great Albert Einstein  once told that speed is purely relative.  I am still not able to understand his relativity theory completely. If you are moving at a speed and your surrounding also move exactly at the speed then, you feel, you are stationary. By using the same concept, you can walk across a two fast moving belts if the difference in speed is very Less: In Shenzen(China) I saw for the first time the moving walkway. A day will come when we don’t have to wait for a car or a bus and we will get into this belt and travel fast as per our choice by moving to the faster moving belts. If such a system is available in India at all places, it would become a real  boon for all. 

In another occasion when I was waiting at the bus stand( frankfurt)  a person on a wheel cycle came to the bus stop. The bus arrived immediately and  stopped exactly at the bus stop. After this the bus tilted towards the bus stop and the door opened. Then the  step pulled outwards enabling the wheelchair person to go inside the bus  without any body’s assistance. After he anchored himself inside the door was  closed only after he  pressed a button accessible to him.

I also remember another incident when I was waiting at the junction to cross a road ( In Orlando). The traffic did not stop at all. I was waiting for along time for the traffic to stop like in India but it did not stop at all. Then a couple came  there and they pressed a button and the white signal to cross appeared immediately. I was not aware that we have to press the button to cross.  Along with the light there was a Tick..Tick…sound  for a blind person to cross safely. I also noticed these these crossing  stations  have  smooth ramps for a wheel chair person to drive his wheelchair. 

One day these technologies will certainly come to india and  we will enjoy these technologies. The truth is that though these technologies give you more freedom and self reliance, it would  also bring  more loneliness to your old age.