Friday, June 25, 2021

BIS Auditor book Launch: 


This book was released on 21 January 2019.  marking  the culmination of series of efforts to transform  the existing processes involved in Management Systems Certification which included introduction of    IT enabled Audit time calculation, Assisted auditor selection for  competence requirement, Distributed forms management, Delinking travelling charges from certification charges, Discounts for corporates and Multisite units, Revision of audit fee   and  honorarium amount to external auditors.  All documents underwent revision and digitization in line with  latest changes in IAF guidelines, new BIS Act and standards and simultaneously  enhanced accreditation scope and areas of accreditation. Development of an Intranet based  module (internally)  helped all auditors and MSCOs to work more  uniformly and efficiently. This also helped to disseminate any changes in information  related to procedures, guidelines, forms and auditors.

7 more new systems such as MDMS, RTMS, SAMS, EOMS, FSMS coupled Milk certification, QMS and BIS standard coupled RMC certification were introduced. Always  advocated for introducing  new concepts of  combined standards to derive more benefits to consumers as well as clients.  Milk certification with FSMS ,RMC with QMS and BIS codes were introduced with these ideas which could beat the competition, if properly marketed. Changeover to most of the  standards took place  during this period such as 9001, 14001, 45001, 13485 adding burden of  organizing a series of training programmes to all auditors and auditees.

The acute shortage of auditors for integrated systems was greatly reduced by removing the obstacle of travelling charges. This was done after careful and meticulous calculations resulting the availability of  all auditors to all regions without any hindrance. But the shortage of auditors continue to haunt. In order to quicken the  process of  auditor enrollment, the entire system of enrollment was reorganized by automating the application to enrollment including  online examination. Along with this dialogues were initiated with many other public sector organizations, Government Departments and large multisite organizations for expansion.

 At this Juncture, we decided to expand the auditor base and it was necessary to have reference book with all updated changes  to have all information at one place for new as well as existing auditors. This made me to write this book.  Organized in to 40 major chapters under  6 sections for easy reference, the  book  also incorporates  guidance samples prepared in consultation with many senior officers. Later this book  was digitized  and incorporated into the new website launched by BIS which I was in charge.


Varghese Joy
Former Scientist-G & DDG
Bureau of Indian Standards

Thursday, May 6, 2021


This is not to be seen as a another Holy Land video, but to be seen as a common man's view and his understanding of Jesus in  his journey towards Jesus. While taking these video clips  I did not have any  idea of making a film like this. Like any other travel,  I took these video clips and kept it with me.  After retirement my interest in photography  resurfaced and I started learning more on camera, photography, videography  lenses, camera angles  etc. etc.( It is full life time subject )  I spent huge amount of time in understanding these in the last 2 years ( Pandemic period) and continue to spent lot of time in learning this hobby. Now  I started learning film making, screen play and other techniques apart from editing and lenses and gadgets..

Then I started making videos of my earlier trips in the new software knowledge I  acquired and that is the time I made some episodes of this Holy land trip also. I used to send some of clips to my  younger sister (Daisy Daniel) and she told me once to make a full video of this visit and this prompted me to do this. It took six months for me to collect and  re-organise the clips, edit, color grade, rearrange, compose and prepare transitions, make title videos, audios, music and  compiling.. As a matter of fact I had spent lot of time in  understanding  video editing, You Tube operation (As  I have  not done you tube earlier )and today when I look back I feel it was really worth doing this  series. 

This is an organized video in chronological order   with narration of my own understanding   on the real life experience of Holy Land visit. All tour operators show you the places according to their convenience and not according to Bible history.

Viewing this clip  before you undertake the trip  would give  a fair idea of the places of visit and where you should spend more time. This will also provide some information on the  importance of each place in biblical context and some explanations  and  interpretations of my own.

One benefit of making this is the direct  benefit to me itself. I am the person whos is  most benefitted  compared to anybody. My understanding has greatly improved by knowing the places he preached, the context, the culture and geography etc... in more deeper way. Initially I made different episodes with text ( Without audio narration)  and later  I added my audio narration  into this.

Although it  was the first attempt after understanding software to some extent, the each episode was created in different style (without any temp plates ) with  my own idea. You can see  and appreciate the differences if you are a video maker by closely watching  each episode with its style, techniques of presentation, text  presentation and transitions. Lot of time was consumed in  generating new ideas for each  clip and the  techniques used and interpretations are  purely  my own.   

Truly, I tell you, I made this video putting  my full heart into it and while making some  episodes I cried in my heart feeling the pain of Jesus. That led me to make the last clip - The trial of Jesus - with my own experience of standing in the court . I don't know how many times I have seen these clips, but  I feel like seeing it again and again and some times I wonder how I could make  this series. Definitely I believe  there is a hand of GoD which has driven me to make this. 

I am sure I would have many mistakes as I am not a professional video programmer and many times I had to run different modules and redo/ revise it for number of times to get some perfection  I wanted it. In the process I might have overlooked some errors like spelling mistakes which I noticed later could not be corrected, as it will involve huge amount of work again. Pardon me for this. 

 I am quite sure this video  will benefit many including my own  generations in future. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tips for reducing your stammering/stuttering- How to handle guilt ?

  Vivin Joy,MS
  Software Architect-Lead

Lets-Talk Channel is trying to extend free support to those who stammer or stutter to face their challenges in life by creating an awareness as well as with the help of those who conquered this issue in their life.

My son Vivin Joy started speaking normally in the beginning. After admitting him into a play school, everything was normal for some time. But then one day he started to stammer when he came home.

Though we stopped that school and put him in a different school, his stammer remained with him.

Today he is 31 years and a software architect in a leading mobile firm and leading a team of engineers at work. As he is able to conquer the fear of stammering today and able to lead a normal life, we would like to share our experience of 3 decades with similar children to enable them to face these challenges.

This channel Lets -talk try to reach out children or parents who stammer or stutter and support them free of cost to equip them to face this world.
In this video we are explaining the techniques to handle shame or guilt of stammering.

Monday, December 2, 2019



We reached Rotourua  city in New Zealand by rented car after driving around 300 kms from airport.  My son was in the driving seat and I was sitting next to him. Though i was sitting next to him, I was of no use as a navigator, but the inbuilt google map of the car was of immense help to us.

As we reached the city, we decided to have  lunch. My Son and Daughter in law with their expertise  located an Indian restaurant by googling. But parking is a serious issue in New Zealand and after 2-3 rounds around the hotel, located a local roadside  parking place. We saw the Parking board with the symbol P15. Though I did not understand the number on the board, I presumed that  it was only some serial number.

When we returned to the car, we saw a penalty slip  from police on the car  for  20 Dollars. The fine was imposed for parking beyond 15 minutes which was indicated as P15 on the board. In this country  P15, P30 and P45 indicates the free parking time. Interestingly no  policeman was visible.  The overtime parking was detected  through the  motion sensors.

We  thought the penalty could be paid while handing over the car but that office had no intimation about the fine.  We were  then informed that  to pay the fine through the internet. We thought we will pay after we return to India.

We returned to India and during the travel we lost the ticket somewhere. Without ticket number , it is not possible to pay the fine. I asked  my son, should we pay ?, Because, in all possibility we may not go to that country again. 

But then he said it is very much essential to pay  otherwise they can block us renting a car in any   other country  by blacklisting.  Then with lot of  efforts and help from rotourua police through mail,  we could get the details and pay the fine.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Tiger Kindom

Tiger kingdom 

This photo was taken in Tiger Kingdom, Phuket, Thailand. The Tiger kingdom is a place where many tigers are caged and open for visitors. With Special permission, visitors are allowed to touch tigers in the cage under the supervision of  their care taker. Even though it is under supervision, a  tiger is a tiger and no one can predict the behavior of  any wild animal. 

My wife and son are ardent animal lovers and they wanted to take this opportunity to touch the animal by paying additional fee.The moment I looked into the staring eyes of a fully grown  tiger,  memory of horrific incident happened in Bangalore National Park ( It was known as "Bannerghatta National Park") came to my mind.   

Those days Bannerghatta was considered quite far from city though  It was only 22kms away from Vidhan Soudha.  We with our first son ( aged 3 years ) visited  the park just two days before the incident.

The Park had a van ( windows  secured with iron grills) to take visitors around and everybody try  to get the  window seat  for a better view. The van with tourists goes around the  park where lions are allowed roam free.  For most of the lions the tourist van is a routine scene and do not even pay any attention. The van has a peeping window at the top and the van supervisor allow  one person when he feels it is safe to allow. 

A similar  van was used by the park keepers to distribute meat to these wild animals.So every time when the van arrives they expect the food. 

The incident took place  when the  grandfather of the   child raised her through the peeping  window for a better view. In split of a second, a lion from behind  jumped on to the van and  grabbed the child and went away. The grand father wanted to run behind the lion mulling the child away but prevented by others in the van.

Since this incident happened just 2 days after our visit, the memory of that   could not  be erased  even after so many years. With this at the back of mind, I was sacred to go  inside and decided to wait outside. They went inside and taken some photos. Visitors are not allowed to go in front of the tiger or touch the head. 

I was relieved only when they returned safe. Tiger kingdom - an unforgettable visit.