Sunday, June 5, 2016

Wise and Wisdom

 Wise and the Wisdom

My Engagement -1984
Initially  I said to myself " No, I am not going". But  as the date approached, I could not resist my temptation to see her once again.

Those days, there were no Mobiles, WhatsApp or iFace rather we had to depend on STD or post. Instant communication  was a remote possibility at that time.

Accident & My Dad

I was working at Bangalore. All at home were planning to go for our engagement to Mallapally on 14th May 1984. Initially I thought I will not Join and informed them accordingly. Later last minute I changed my mind and decided to have a glimpse of her again.Then somehow I managed to get a seat in the bus from Bangalore on 13th night.It was the last bus from Bangalore  and my seat was at the back. My father was not aware of my last minute decision. I got into bus in the night and could not sleep till early morning. Around 4 o’clock there was a heavy jerk  and  loud noise. I was thrown off the seat and I hit against the rod in front of my seat. It was total darkness inside the bus and people started shouting and crying.  

I could feel the pain in my thigh and  chest where I hit against the rod.  Too much of commotion inside and utter confusion on what to do ?. Somehow I got down and  I noticed that the bus collided head on  with another bus and the bus driver was injured seriously and was unconscious. 

Many seated on the right side of the bus  were injured.  Since it was early  in the morning, It took some time for local people to gather. 

Immediately I  managed to get another bus from there and reached home. Nobody there knew about this and all were surprised by my unplanned  arrival.

I did not tell this  incident to anyone, but to my father who advised me not to reveal this incident to anybody at that point. He said " This could be taken  as a  bad  omen by even the close relatives”.

"Today  when I  I look back with so much of gratitude to my father, I understand that, but for his wisdom, I would have missed all that a man deserve to get in his life.

Grandma and her wisdom

Sheela was mostly brought up by her grand parents  as her parents were away in Bagalkot. She had great trust in grandma and they both enjoyed a special relationship. Grandma was also brilliant in her own wisdom and given small tips to innocent  perplexed girl before her first experience of seeing a boy. Grandma told her that you keep watching as he goes back and if he looks back, it is for sure that, he  likes  you. Sheela narrated this to me later.

As my eyes were searching for her before we stepped out of her home, my eyes locked at the  two glowing big eyes following me through their window.

Poor girl, was anxiously trying to verify  the wisdom of  her loving grandma and when I looked back, grandma reassured her, yes, he likes you.  Later those two big eyes became my insight to the world of wisdom.

Yes,  it was true. Those advises of my father and her grandma were born out of their wisdom from their age and experience. Wise are those who have wisdom and wisdom sets in when they fear God.

First Question

I did not know the exact depth of  words came from my mouth, when I asked her " Will you be able to take the journey with me wherever I go? ". she said, Yes.   Apart from the  literal shifting from one place to another, she had to move  from one house to another and from one place to  another throughout the country in our long journey of 32 years, she had to travel through the different terrains of our life very patiently.  

Today  when I look back, we traveled  together through different terrains  of life and we thank GoD for the wisdom of my father and her grandma. 

I realise that their wisdom was not from their education or experience but because they walked straight in the eyes of GoD, that is the Truth !.

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