Tuesday, September 3, 2019

DoXA Church

DoXA Church

For the last 3 years, I could not go to US as I could not get long leave from office. But after retirement, I could go to US freely without any office tensions  for two months  and happily spent some good time with my kids. During our stay at Seattle, we  attended sunday service in DoXa Church   and  Neighbourhood church in Bellevue. 

I had to change my stand after visiting these churches!. Until the visit, my perception was, people in USA have lost their faith and do not attend the church. But  I was wrong. All sorts of people from different countries, different languages, different ages attend  the church and in fact, it was a feast to eyes to see the  way they worship. 

The basic difference compared to  our worship  is the  way they sing, praise and thank Jesus. Praise and thanks giving is given the first priority. Youngsters singing with musical instruments like Guitar, Violin,  Drums and piano were wonderful.  Mesmerizing  orchestra  with beautiful songs have taken us  to a different level of worship.  

The lyrics was displayed on the giant screen in line with the music and the congregation can also join in singing with the group. One youngster standing next to me  told me during the  introduction session that he is settled in USA and is a student of Washington university. Myself and my wife were surprised  by the way he  praised GoD. 

The worship contains a meaningful speech, bible reading, singing, confession by individuals secretly and participating in the wine and bread. Wine and bread are kept at the back on a table and each person to take a piece of bread dip it in wine and take it. There is no priest except a moderator.

The total worship is around 90 minutes and the children can attend Sunday school  matching with the time. After worship 10 minutes is allotted for introducing yourself to the  person standing next to you, if you do not know him.

Lot of interactive kiosks are placed outside the hall where you can place your request of prayer and can participate in the  programes and events organised by the church.

I am now back to India and when I recollect the experience, I Personally feel it is time for us to change the way we worship  GoD.  I now know very well I can not force my grand children to go to our church unless they are attracted. It is definitely difficult to understand  all the monotonous   Kauma and difficult Malayalam words ( which sometimes even  I do not understand though I studied in Malayalam medium)  interlaced  with all  those foreign words. 

I feel that we need to change from Priest centered worship to  Jesus centered worship. The participation of members in praise and thanksgiving  need to be improved. we need to cater to youngsters in their language  of understanding  using all technology, talents  and innovative ways to praise GoD. Praise has to take more importance. The  ‘Kauma’  period shall come to an end.

I  neither can sing well or play any instrument but I forget myself in the group which sings from the heart and would like to be there in such worships. I do not think I will see these changes in my life  as we are still not out of our selfishness.  The absolute freedom derived from  ' freewill ' given by GoD  is misused to great extent by people. Though I may not understand GoD’s plan, I will pray to him to make changes. 

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